QUESTION Sendmail Config for Incredible PBX 11 Ubuntu 14


Sep 17, 2010
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Installed Incredible PBX 11 from here:, including Incredible fax.

I am getting numerous emails returned to the email address i configured in the sendmail SMTP Relay config saying that email to [email protected] has been delayed.

I found my way back to the post here: (1), which also depends on (2) this. Another more recent post (3) related to installing incredible fax on ubuntu also points to (1).

After making those changes in (1) (following the guidance in (3)) and (2) above and email is working for faxes.

However, as stated above, I am now getting emails returned to my gmail account saying that mail destined for [email protected] has been delayed.

I am wondering if the fixes above in (1) and (2), which were done on CENTOS systems, are not working right in Ubuntu. For one, the hostname -f command from (1) errors out since /etc/hosts simply contains incrediblepbx (although, since i knew what i wanted it to be, i simply put that into the genericsdomain file). I followed guidance from (3) making the changes in the /etc/mail directory to correct instances of sendmail-cf to sendmail/cf and instead of 'make' did a sendmailconfig, and this did allow mail to flow. This did result in appending my gmail smtp server after the DS in

Also, the changes in (2) above no longer exactly match what is in the old nerdvittles articles. Moreover, when i restart sendmail, i am getting warnings about overriding alias (see next paragraph) and also a warning/error that says "hostname: Name or service not known".

I also found an idea in this thread about setting an alias for root via webmin - although the issue was different, if i set an alias for root to be a real email address, then at least the emails should get delivered somewhere.

My old PIAF system delivered emails to root locally, so wondering if I botched the above changes somehow or if the old thread instructions need modifying for Ubuntu so the emails to root get locally delivered.

Would appreciate any pointers to the best way to configure sendmail and host names in the various files so mail gets delivered appropriately both externally and internally to root.

thanks, jay

running on VirtualBox 4.3.24.


Sep 17, 2010
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ok. i seem to have figured out a configuration to make this work. here's what i did to avoid emails to [email protected] (which on my system as i configured it with the gmail SMTP relay, resulted in my gmail account sending email to [email protected] which doesn't work).

1) changed /etc/hostname from incrediblepbx (this was the value post installation) to (substitute your own here and below).
2) unlike previous CentOS versions of incredible pbx / pbx in a flash, /etc/hosts 1st line was simply:
Code:    localhost
so i changed it to:
Code: localhost.localdomain localhost incrediblepbx
3) in webmin i set up an alias for root to a real email address
4) followed the other instructions from here which relies on the original SMTP relay instructions here.

email now works to send faxes as well as voice mails. Also, email destined to root gets delivered to a real email address outside IPBX. this is fine for my use case at home. i did not test to see if it gets delivered locally on IPBX if i remove the root alias i set up. Moreover, hostname, hostname -f and hostname -d all return legitimate values.

email config is certainly not my area of expertise, so am not sure if this is the best way to set this up, but it is all working and doesn't generate emails to [email protected].

if there's a better / more correct way to set this up, am interested to learn of it,

thx, Jay

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