GO HERE D70 vs. PIAF Green


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Mar 14, 2011
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Well now, today was a banner day. First, I got my D70 in the mail. I was soooo excited. But alas, our trixBox CE didn't want to play nice with it (asterisk 1.6... ewwww), so I went to my trusty PIAF CD and loaded it up! First, Yellow is broken... I know people are aware of this and hopefully whatever bug is in the distro will be fixed. Also, I got a complaint during setup that I was using an old version of the CD even though I JUST downloaded it from sourceforge. Weird, right?

Anyway, installed, ran install-digiphones, and then... my license couldn't be validated. Well crap. But it's ok, Digium has a how-to! I read their how-to and walk through all the steps, same problem. OK, this is getting frustrating. I remove the PIAF .so file for the Digium DPMA and use the Digium version - now we're getting somewhere! I get it all hooked up, plop in my extension information and boot my phone - it sees my new extension! But then when I confirm that on the phone, it complains about not being able to download the firmware. Ohhhhh boy. So I do a completely new install armed with what I know now, skip install-digiphones and go right with the DPMA install instructions from Digium. Same problem, different verse (but at least it's recognizing my license!).

Finally, giving up, I call Digium. They walk me through some stuff, ask what I'm using (which I proudly say PBX in a flash because it's so damn cool!), what version of freepbx, what version of asterisk, etc. etc... he roots around a bit, and tells me that he can't help because FreePBX does something to config files and they are overriding the DPMA plugin. He suggests I try Asterisk NOW (which doesn't look nearly as impressive as the Incredible PIAF) as that is 100% supported and he'll help me if I switch. I say thank you and hit the forums.

THE HELL IS WITH HIS CRASH OF 2013?! WHY! Ward, when I need you the most, your mind, your vision, your skill.... but anyway, I -did- find a post about Ward and some guys setting up a "install-digiphones", which is a little different from what's in the PIAF package. I try that, the damn phone still won't grab its firmware file. Now I'm just depressed...

<you're still reading? You must be in the saaaaaame boat! ...or you like run-on sentence structures!>

So a buddy of mine, seeing me bang away at the phones web config, asks why I'm so mad. I tell him, "Farking Firefox keeps freezing me out of the page. Maybe I should use IE, but I hate IE." He tells me to use IE.... I do... I go to the firmware update page and SHAZAM! Firmware upgraded! But PIAF still won't even LOOK at my phone beyond the initial extension setup.

The secret sauce? I installed the endpoint manager (OSS?), added Digium to the list of supported phones, and then did an nmap on the network... it sees the phone! I configure it (for what it's worth, there were next to no settings in the endpoint manager) and apply settings, reboot the phone... the phone has an extension! It boots all the way to its main screen! On a fluke, I went back to the Digium app (installed with the install-digiphones app from the post on here) and WOAH! Lots of new settings! I tinker some more, add a logo of Grumpy Cat to my phone, tinker some more, and then, it was time to go home for the day.

Anyway... I get home, and see that Digium sent me an email asking me to rate their performance. I did...

My issue was one that should have been supported by Digium. It turned out to be a PBX problem, but getting a Digium phone to work should be an easy experience. As it turned out, it took a little tinkering to fix the problem on my end, but Digium should be knowledgeable about all Asterisk flavors (at least the major ones) to enable support of their product. Polycom's work great with my PBX, as do other kinds of phones. Giving an answer of "You should use Asterisk NOW" is pretty sad, especially when my issue turned out to be quite easy to fix. As an FYI: OSS Endpoint Manager is needed to "Provision" the phone first, then DPMA will work well with the phone (except for firmware downloads - that I could do via the phone, which works ONLY in IE, not in FireFox or Chrome). My suggestion is that you guys take one of every PBX flavor out there, plop it on a crappy computer, and then learn what tricks you need to do in order to get DPMA and a Digium phone to work with it. With the quality of the D70 I have, I'm sure that with a little documentation and a little education on your part would go a LONG way in making the products you have more attractive to others. As it stands, as per your support, if it's not Asterisk NOW, you don't support it, good luck and have a nice day. No bueno... I did not like... I will NOT be recommending this product to others, which is a shame, as it's a real nice phone. Maybe you should support PBX In a Flash (at least, if not FreePBX in general) and maybe some of us will change our minds. I'll be cross-posting this feedback in their forums as well to let others know to stay AWAY from Digium until they are a little more user/PBX friendly.

Afterwards, I IMMEDIATELY went to the forums here and wanted to share my experience. I am in no way an expert (I'm barely a novice... rm -rf / is my favorite command) but I was able to eventually figure it out. Tomorrow, I work on getting the quick-dial keys to show some stuff and maybe tinker around a little more to test BLF and phone states.

tl;dr - Digium doesn't support PIAF, or FreePBX in general. Getting a Digium phone to work seems to require some skill/luck/sacrifices to your choice of Diety. But MAN the D70 is a nice phone.

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