DEAL Ubiquiti POE Switch


Telecom Strategist
Aug 2, 2008
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For those of you that haven't used Ubiquiti ... let me tell you - TRY IT. Their stuff is awesome with a GUI managed cloud based software for free that rivals any of the very expensive largest companies out there. These guys are going to put a hurting on Cisco.

While using them - I'm able to manage all my clients sites (using ER-x) complete with VPN and see whenever they've got an issue from our cloud based UNMS platform (that they actually give away for free).

With their POE switches, you can actually reboot frozen phones remotely and do as you like.

NewEgg has a deal right now with code for $40 off (limit 2) - so you get a 8 port Unifi POE switch for just $160.

Just use code: emctvta43


Jan 11, 2009
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Been using the Edgemax ER Lite since release (ver 0.8.1) in early 2013.
Ubiquiti equipment is used on all my installs including routers, switches, wireless aps, cameras, etc.
I host my own controller on a local VM since the UNMS wasn't available until recent

Twilight Sparkle
Jul 21, 2013
Reaction score
i been thinking about this for a few weeks now for my Point to Point Internet..... right now i have my eye on Ubiquiti NS-5ACL-US 5GHz 11ac & Ubiquiti LiteBeam 5AC Lightweight airMAXAC Gen 2

right now i am using the EnStationAC but need something stronger and i got my hopes up the AirMaxAc might have a better signal...

i am sharing INternet with my friends around the area but now i wanna find out how to buy a block of IP address's and start my own Poin to Point internet service like other places with Point to Point just not sure where to start lol


Telecom Strategist
Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
i been thinking about this for a few weeks now for my Point to Point Internet..... right now i have my eye on Ubiquiti NS-5ACL-US 5GHz 11ac & Ubiquiti LiteBeam 5AC Lightweight airMAXAC Gen 2

right now i am using the EnStationAC but need something stronger and i got my hopes up the AirMaxAc might have a better signal...

i am sharing INternet with my friends around the area but now i wanna find out how to buy a block of IP address's and start my own Poin to Point internet service like other places with Point to Point just not sure where to start lol

You definitely want to play with Ubiquiti some then. They have many tools to assist you including a free billing module and such. Plus you can keep track of traffic and such. Test it yourself before blowing it out, but you should be able to do all you want. If you want to hand off public IP's to them, then you'll need a block that you get from your carrier and parse them out. Be aware that this most likely violates their TOS though. Otherwise, why do you need to give them public IP's? (and Yes, you're still probably violating TOS)

Twilight Sparkle
Jul 21, 2013
Reaction score
You definitely want to play with Ubiquiti some then. They have many tools to assist you including a free billing module and such. Plus you can keep track of traffic and such. Test it yourself before blowing it out, but you should be able to do all you want. If you want to hand off public IP's to them, then you'll need a block that you get from your carrier and parse them out. Be aware that this most likely violates their TOS though. Otherwise, why do you need to give them public IP's? (and Yes, you're still probably violating TOS)

hmm build in billing so i can ditch WHMCS..... and Free Radius.... hmmm

ok im game i got to try them now....

so traffic will it let me track who is using the most data and also block Torrents and such... like a Filter for bad content.

im going to have to youtube this stuff

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