TIPS Is there a syntax to auto spoof inbound number/outgoing follow me cell phone


Jul 12, 2019
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is there a way, to spoof the inbound callers number, when follow me is activated or i have a #0000000000, to ring my cell phone.


Sep 7, 2009
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By default all on my PIAF installations do this, but it relies on the carrier you use for termination to allow it.


Jul 12, 2019
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i've tried to do this with google voice, where i call would come in on one gv line, and dial out another to reach my cell, if no extension pick up, but the caller id on my cell was, from the gv line used to dial out. I do have a provider that allows me to spoof the caller id, but i don't understand how to get asterisk to pick up the inbound call from one inbound did, and pass the call to an outbound did using the incoming callers number.


Not really a Guru - Just a long time user
May 29, 2010
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I do this: ( I have 14 numbers so I have to :) )

A call comes in - no one in the office -> Voicemail says to press 1 (follow Me) FollowMe Takes over.

in the number(s) to call is the Extension (so it rings again) and my Cell Number with a dial prefix (e.g. 612075551212#)

Now the system looks in your outgoing Routes for this prefix and uses this to place the call -- in the outbound route is an option Override Extension CID or Force Route CID (film ran out of my photographic memory :) ) now place in the trunks you want the call to go out in the list, submit, and apply changes.

In Trunks is the same type option of Force Trunk CID so you can set it here too but if you want to try different trunks, its best to use the Outbound route method.

When a call comes to my Cell phone the CID is the number the person called (2075551210 may be my Notary Business where as 2075558787 may be one of my amateur radio clubs I run the PBX for. In this way I have the group name in my contacts so when I answer - I answer for the group they called.

If you need some help, in my profile is my "Main" website and on there a contact us page with a phone number. Call it and ask for 1-Zed-01 (I do not respond to names - those calls get sent to Lenny :) ), and I will help you through setting one up.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2007
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If you use a GV lline, the caller id of the outgoing call from the PBX will always show the GV number the calls goes out on. In order to see the caller id of the person calling you when the call follows to you cell phone, you need to use a SIP provider who will pass caller id from the incoming call to the outgoing call to the cell phone. Most major VOIP companies do this but Google Voice does not.


Jul 12, 2019
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I do this: ( I have 14 numbers so I have to :) )

A call comes in - no one in the office -> Voicemail says to press 1 (follow Me) FollowMe Takes over.

in the number(s) to call is the Extension (so it rings again) and my Cell Number with a dial prefix (e.g. 612075551212#)

Now the system looks in your outgoing Routes for this prefix and uses this to place the call -- in the outbound route is an option Override Extension CID or Force Route CID (film ran out of my photographic memory :) ) now place in the trunks you want the call to go out in the list, submit, and apply changes.

In Trunks is the same type option of Force Trunk CID so you can set it here too but if you want to try different trunks, its best to use the Outbound route method.

When a call comes to my Cell phone the CID is the number the person called (2075551210 may be my Notary Business where as 2075558787 may be one of my amateur radio clubs I run the PBX for. In this way I have the group name in my contacts so when I answer - I answer for the group they called.

If you need some help, in my profile is my "Main" website and on there a contact us page with a phone number. Call it and ask for 1-Zed-01 (I do not respond to names - those calls get sent to Lenny :) ), and I will help you through setting one up.

I understand slightly, your missing the point of it passing the incoming callee's number, That way no matter who calls, it'll always ring my cell using their number.


Jul 12, 2019
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I believe we're almost their, i've gotten more details that i didn't have before.


Not really a Guru - Just a long time user
May 29, 2010
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OK, I must have misread what you wanted. I thought you wanted YOUR number to show, so that you knew it came from your PBX. But as Kenn10 said (and I assume you were using GVSIP) -- They did force the GV Number, which is WHY I refused to use it. It would have been great (and easier) if they passed the CallerID, but I can see why they didn't allow it (CID Spooking is rampant in SPAM calls)

But back to what you need. In FollowMe at the pottom is what to do about the caller ID -- set to pass CallerID - default setting, I think. in the extensions box, just put your number to your Cell 2075551212# - Submit -> Apply Changes.

Next in your outbound route(s) where the call could go out (reason for the prefixes is to force out a specific route (add all trunks to try/use in the Outbound Route) ) and in the top is force route CID (or similar) set to Allow Any CID ( this should be what you are looking for. Submit and Apply Changes

Next check your Trunks that you used in the outbound route and be sure those are set to also allow any CID and not force the trunk one also. If you made changes, Submit and Apply Changes

You should now be able to do what you want. Good Luck

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