QUESTION Incredible PBX on RPi3 multi-home issue

Aaron Outhier

Santa's helper (subordinate Claus)
Dec 11, 2016
Reaction score
Having an issue. Kind of a long story as to why I would want to use multi-homing (multiple NICs), so I'll save that until the end. The problem at hand, is that although I have dnsmasq setup for dhcp, dns, and t*f*t*p, and it seeming to be working, the phones aren't getting a DHCP lease from the Pi.

I'm going to try with a laptop in a sec, but I suspect an issue with iptables. Incredible PBX wasn't specifically designed for this setup. FWIW, I don't anticipate needing to connect anything other than phones and a switch to the ethernet port, so if it is a firewall issue, I am fine just opening sip, ntp, dhcp, et. al. ports on the ethernet port.

Now, as for the reason for wanting to setup multi-homing: My ISP doesn't allow me to use my own cable modem, and for whatever reason, their equipment is issuing dhcp options 66 and 150 to point to their modem. I need to specify those same options, but with a different ip destination for my phones. My only option, AFAIK, is to do a double-nat. Well, I suppose, it's my only VIABLE option - I'm not willing to turn off NAT on the modem, as I don't have time or money to setup a dedicated firewall box.

Aaron Outhier

Santa's helper (subordinate Claus)
Dec 11, 2016
Reaction score
I just made a backup with incrediblebackup script, then imaged the SD card, and installed fresh, without restoring any backups. Installed dnsmasq, and updated with apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y . Same problem. Eth0 is set to a static ip in the same subnet as the dhcp server. Everything connected to eth0 is without a DHCP address. I am well versed in linux, so this isn't my first rodeo, so to speak. I am ok with posting my /etc/network/interfaces and/or /etc/dnsmasq.conf files, if somebody wants to see them.

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