FYI Vitelity Surcharge; post from DSL Reports


Aug 24, 2014
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Vitelity!! $25 Emergency Surcharge!! Really?????????

I've complained about this before, but this is just too far.

Vitelity's vFax portal is down. It responds to pings but won't load on any browser. Tried on two different ISPs and our reseller customers are complaining. This issue is likely affecting their entire customer base. Their status box states all services are operating normally. It is early Sunday morning (for them) so they are likely not aware. Would this not constitute an "emergency" by any providers standards? It certainly does by ours.

So I open a "support" ticket and read their criteria for checking the "emergency box", along with a warning that non-emergencies will be charged $25. The outage fits their criteria so I check it. In turn we get a page making us write the words "I will pay $25" in order to continue. This is now starting to feel more like extortion than support. But it is a bona-fide emergency. Their server is down and it needs attention, so I type the words as instructed. Ka-ching - they immediately bang our account for that $25. No response to the ticket. No correction of the problem. They just immediately charge us for reporting THEIR problem to them. Really?

Okay - I get it, they want to discourage abuse of their emergency notification procedure. Likely my ticket got someone out of bed (or is supposed to). And I suppose they can always credit back the lousy $25 if they agree that it was indeed an emergency (they'd better). But I find their way of handling this to be ass -backwards. How about addressing the issue before hitting us up for the money? Maybe it really is an emergency? I'm sorry folks, I find their approach to be a little over the edge for my taste. It is disrespectful, belittling, abusive and offensive - and all that on top of us also having to deal with the frustrations they have created in our customers. We already spend A LOT of money with them. How dare they?


Aug 24, 2014
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As stared on DSLReports, If you're reselling vFax, you should seriously have a look at Faxage - especially since Vitelity is reselling Faxage as vFax anyway, and since Faxage has somewhat better support than Vitelity. My comment:

The Faxage occasional use plan: $3.49, free number, $.05, a minute for what you use, for individual accts up to 600 fax mo. Seems like a pretty good backup strategy.

As stated on DSL, Regarding Vitelity's policy of charging $25 for an emergency ticket.... At least in theory, it kindof makes sense. Pay $25. Vitelity acts fast. If it really is an emergency, get $25 refunded. BUT if despite paying the $25, Vitelity still takes their jolly good time to fix, then yeah I'd say its problematic.

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