Recommended versions of PIAF plus other stuff

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PIAF Developer
Oct 18, 2007
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Updated January 8, 2012

There has been some discussion about what version/color of PBX in a Flash to use for the production environment, what is stable, etc.

Summary of PBX in a Flash colors and versions:


The link above is updated whenever something new hits the streets.

PBX in a Flash GOLD. This is Asterisk based. This is the last version of asterisk that supported zaptel. Digium offers no support or updates at all for this version.

PBX in a Flash SILVER. This is Asterisk 1.4.42/Dahdi based. This is the last version of asterisk 1.4. Digium offers no support for this version. They are releasing security updates till April 2012

PBX in a Flash Bronze. This is Asterisk based. This is the last version of asterisk 1.6. Digium offers no support for this version. They are releasing security updates till April 2012


The above 3 versions are still within PBX in a Flash 1.7.5.X to provide backward compatibility. For example I just closed my last 1.4 - gold commercial box last month. They are all proven systems however no further development is occurring for GOLD/SILVER/BRONZE either by Digium or PBX in a Flash. That being said if a REAL and VERIFIED security threat is found we will make every attempt to issue a fix for existing systems. So if you want dependable systems for commercial systems and DO NOT WANT BLEEDING EDGE then you might want to look at any of the GOLD/SILVER/BRONZE for your viewing pleasure. While both purple and red are present in the 175x tree no more development or updates are occurring to this tree! If you want a stable supported purple or red then you MUST use PBX in a Flash 2.0.6.X.


PBX in a Flash PURPLE. This is Asterisk 1.8.X.X/Dahdi based. This is the latest stable version of asterisk 1.8 and one of the only Asterisk trees being actively developed. Digium also offers paid support on the Asterisk 1.8 tree. This version also has long term support which may mean support will be around for 2 years or so. We are not sure.


At the moment the current version is a fairly stable platform and can be used in commercial deployments. Most of the bugs have been fixed and it seems stable. All of the PIAF Dev Team run this version on their personal PBX's. I also now install this version in commercial settings.

We DO NOT UPGRADE THIS VERSION EVERY TIME A NEW VERSION OF SOURCE IS RELEASED! PBX in a Flash values stability and security more than bleeding edge. We also develop new programs for this version (and Asterisk 10.0.0Beta somewhat). This is the version that is most likely to be fixed by Digium if there is a major problem with it. Thus this is the recommended default version, at the moment, to install under PBX in a Flash. If you do a default install of PIAF Purple this is the version that will be installed by default.

What about bleeding edge and new releases? I need the very latest release!

We support installing the very latest releases of Asterisk 1.8 through the PBX in a Flash BETA program. This program DOES NOT COVER SVN RELEASES OR RELEASE CANDIDATES (RC). It only covers fully released versions. From about Asterisk 1832 to Asterisk 1870. The method is documented in the link above. SVN and RC release methods are available and documented elsewhere and are essentially alpha which means no support at all.

PBX in a Flash RED This is Asterisk 10.0.0/Dahdi based. Digium thinks this software is ready for prime time. PBX in a Flash Defines this software as beta in our distro. This is the experimenters version not suitable for installation in a production or commercial environment unless there is a burning need for a particular feature. There is minimal support for this product plus there is NO history so you may be the first with a problem for which there is no solution. DO NOT INSTALL THIS IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST PBX SYSTEM! This version is NOT designed for beginners or people who do not have a good grasp of linux, asterisk, and voip in general. Now that Asterisk 10.0.0 final is released and we find a stable release version then we will be staying with that and offer the same program for bleeding edge we do with Purple.


We recommend if you have a spare system and you are familiar with asterisk you install this and "kick the tires" as this is the only way that Asterisk 10.x.x will ever make it to mainstream.


PBX in a Flash ISO's

What the heck does it mean. The PBX in a Flash numbering system along with the ISO versions can be very confusing.

For example the current version of the ISO is

1.7 =
The current Major version of PBX in a Flash is 1.7 This refers to the internal software version we use to identify
what type of software generation PIAF is on.

5.7 =
What version of Centos is being used. Currently it is Centos 5.7. Earlier ones were 5.5 and 5.6 which are previous versions of Centos.

1 =

This is the release version of the ISO Thus the current ISO is the first release in the series. The next version of the ISO will be

What do the ISO's contain? A minimum set of required programs needed to get the installation of PBX in a Flash underway.

Why cant I keep using the older ISO's? Generally the latest ISO's have better driver support and install on a wider range of hardware. Very soon support for the ISO will be pulled as there were some problems with that version and you will have to upgrade to the current version of the ISO.

We try not to release new versions of the ISO too often but if there is a security problem for new installs then a new ISO will be released.

Just because a new release of the ISO comes out you DO NOT have to upgrade your system. New ISO's only affect the new systems that are installed using them.

What version of PBX in a Flash do I have?

Simply run the status command and it will tell you.

But I installed using the iso and then I did a yum update to Centos 5.7. It still shows that I am running!!!!! This must be wrong.....

Nope that is right Remember the number that counts is our major software number. It tell us you are using 1.7 type technology which usually works across all of the minor

But I have PBX in a Flash 1.0.... I want to upgrade!!!

Sorry not compatible.. But it is gratifying to see that is is still working. There are numerous discussions about what to do in our forums.


I want help but when I ask in the forums people ignore me!

There might be a reason. Please review the following link for suggestions.

Remember the forums are free and most people have real jobs including Ward, Tom and the rest of the team. We all try to help but if you don't follow the recommendations in the thread above well perhaps this is the problem. Also we appreciate enthusiasm but clogging the forums with a huge number of the same questions over and over is counter productive. Please search through the forums prior to posting questions. Yes the forum does not allow for short word searches..... live with it as it is not going to change or use google to search through the PIAF forums.


Thanks for reading. We have decided to close this post as it is meant as a reference only. If you find an error etc feel free to drop me a line and I will revise it.

Best regards

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PIAF Developer
Oct 18, 2007
Reaction score
As a supplement.

Digium has release Asterisk and Asterisk 10.0.0 These product versions are available in PBX in a Flash 2.0.6.X. only. If you have a burning need for these versions under PIAF 175X use update-source to get them.

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