Obi110 star codes & PIAF

The Deacon

Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys, is anyone else have a problem using a phone connected to an Obi110 where the star codes don't work on PIAF2?

I've disabled the star codes on the Physical Interfaces / Phone port section of the Obi110 and rebooted a few times, but none of the feature codes seem to work.

I can however get the miscellaneous destinations to work - after an extremely long 15-20 second delay.

Is it just me, or am I completely missing something (obvious)?

System status is here:
                                                   ┌────────────────────────System Information───────────────────────────┐
                                                   │  Asterisk   = ONLINE  | Dahdi     = ONLINE  | MySQL     = ONLINE    │  
                                                   │  SSH        = ONLINE  | Apache    = ONLINE  | Iptables  = ONLINE    │  
                                                   │  Fail2ban   = ONLINE  | Internet  = ONLINE  | Ip6Tables = ONLINE    │  
                                                   │  Disk Free  = ADEQUATE| Mem Free  = ADEQUATE| NTPD      = ONLINE    │  
                                                   │  SendMail   = ONLINE  | Samba     = OFFLINE | Webmin    = ONLINE    │  
                                                   │  Ethernet0  = ONLINE  | Ethernet1 = N/A     | Wlan0     = N/A       │  
                                                   │                                                                     │  
                                                   │  PIAF Installed Version   = Running on *KVM*                │  
                                                   │  FreePBX Version          =                                 │  
                                                   │  Running Asterisk Version =                                 │  
                                                   │  Asterisk Source Version  =                                 │  
                                                   │  Dahdi Source Version     = 2.6.0+2.6.0                             │  
                                                   │  Libpri Source Version    = 1.4.12                                  │  
                                                   │  IP Address               = on eth0                 │  
                                                   │  Operating System         = CentOS release 6.2 (Final)              │  
                                                   │  Kernel Version           = 2.6.32-220.2.1.el6.i686 - 32 Bit        │  
                                                   │  Incredible PBX 3 Version = 3.0.3                                   │  
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
I'd have to check further on the OBI config but know that the Asterisk codes won't work if the Obi interface is configured or defaulting to inband signalling...
Jun 29, 2009
Reaction score
There are Obihai star codes that conflict with PiaF star codes. There are several ways you can deal with this:

You can go into the OBiTALK portal, go to "Expert Configuration Mode" for your device, and then go to "Star Codes" and make edits in the Star Code profiles. These is the current Star Code list for both profiles:
  1. *07, Redial, call($Ldn)
  2. *69, Call Return, call($Lcn)
  3. *81, Block Caller ID, set($Bci,1)
  4. *82, Unblock Caller ID, set($Bci,0)
  5. *67, Block Caller ID Once, set($Bci1,1)
  6. *68, Unblock Caller ID Once, set($Ubci1,1)
  7. *72, Cfwd All, coll($Cfan), set($Cfa,1)
  8. *73, Disable Cfwd All, set($Cfa, 0)
  9. *60, Cfwd Busy, coll($Cfbn), set($Cfb,1)
  10. *61, Disable Cfwd Busy, set($Cfb, 0)
  11. *62, Cfwd No Ans, coll($Cfnn), set($Cfn,1)
  12. *63, Disable Cfwd No Ans, set($Cfn,0)
  13. *77, Block Anonymous Call, set($Bac,1)
  14. *87, Unblock Anonymous Call, set($Bac,0)
  15. *56, Enable Call Waiting, set($Cwa,1)
  16. *57, Disable Call Waiting, set($Cwa,0)
  17. *78, Do Not Disturb, set($Dnd,1)
  18. *79, Disable DND, set($Dnd,0)
  19. *05, Repeat Dial, rpdi($Ldn)
  20. *06, Cancel Repeat Dial, rpdi()
  21. *74([1-9]|[1-9]x), Set Speed Dial, coll($Spd[$Code])
  22. *75([1-9]|[1-9]x), Check Speed Dial, say($Spd[$Code])
  23. *03, Loopback Media, set($Lbm1,1)
  24. *04, Loopback RTP Packet, set($Lbp1,1)
  25. *4711, Use G711 Only, set($Cdm1,3)
  26. *4729, Use G729 Only, set($Cdm1,4)
  27. *76([1-9]|[1-9]x), Clear Speed Dial, set($Spd[$Code],)
  28. *98, Blind Transfer, coll($Bxrn)
  29. *96, Barge In, set($Bar1,1)
Star Code Profile B has one additional setting:

30. *10, Day Mode, set($Opm,0)

Don't ask me what the non-obvious ones do, but anyway, you could go through and change them to something non-conflicting, perhaps a double star (**) in front of each code instead of a single one?

Alternately, you can disable the Obi device star codes completely by going to Physical Interfaces | Phone and setting StarCodeProfile to None.

Or, instead of changing or disabling the Obihai star codes, you could put a bit of code in extensions_custom.conf, within the existing [from-internal-custom] context, as follows:

;Convert 11XX to *XX to workaround conflicts with device *XX codes
exten => _11XX,1,Goto(from-internal,*${EXTEN:2},1)

Don't make a new context for this; it has to be added to the [from-internal-custom] context that should already be there. After adding this and doing an orange bar reload, you should be able to dial 11XX instead of *XX to invoke Asterisk's features.

If you do the above, you may still want to go into the OBiTALK portal's Expert Configuration settings and make a change in the phone port settings Outbound Call Route. You may need to add a rule that looks like this:

{(… optional other sp rules …|11xx|… optional other sp rules …):spn},

Where n is 1 or 2 (whichever service provider goes to your PiaF box). The reason I show … optional other sp rules … is because you probably already have a rule like this and just need to add the 11xx within enclosing bar characters somewhere in the existing rule, but if you don't have such a rule you can create it (omit the bar characters if that's the only rule, since those are separators). If you don't do this, the Obihai device may not know how to route calls to 11xx codes, and in that case you'd need to first dial a service provider prefix (**1 or **2) before the 11xx code.

Alternately, you could simply always use **1 or **2 first (again, depending on which service provider is associated with PiaF) and then the PiaF star code, but you might still need to make an edit to the device's Outbound Call Route before that will be allowed (try it first and see). If I recall correctly, if you don't make a modification you get stopped when you hit the * of the actual code (that is, when you dial **1* or **2*) which probably should not be what happpens, but maybe they have fixed that by now. If not, you could try bringing that up with Obihai Support, since a lot of VoIP providers have their own star codes.


Mar 12, 2008
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I ran into a similar problem with the Sipura SPA-3000 and just left the conflicting control codes blank in the Sipura menus. It worked..


Feb 3, 2009
Reaction score
Roger that...

I ran into a similar problem with the Sipura SPA-3000 and just left the conflicting control codes blank in the Sipura menus. It worked...

In addition (on the Sipura, at least) you need to edit the dial plan (pattern matching) to recognize what to do with star codes, otherwise it will wait for the inter-digit timer to expire before sending the dialed number to the PBX, as you can see by the 20 sec (or so) delay. If you send the star code followed with a hash (#) it should process immediately, 'suggesting' the dial plan needs tweaking.


Mar 12, 2008
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In addition (on the Sipura, at least) you need to edit the dial plan (pattern matching) to recognize what to do with star codes, otherwise it will wait for the inter-digit timer to expire before sending the dialed number to the PBX, as you can see by the 20 sec (or so) delay. If you send the star code followed with a hash (#) it should process immediately, 'suggesting' the dial plan needs tweaking.

I've just made it a habit of dialing and ending with a #for the Sipura. Treated it the same as the dial button, send button or okay button on an IP phone.

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