QUESTION Help with Voicemail Notifications and CDR records

Joe Lones

Feb 10, 2016
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First off, I'm new here so have mercy. I've been reading and almost got the setup to where I want it except for some small issues.

1) Firstly, I've specified a Recording Location on a cifs share and for my Ring Group I have selected to always Record Calls. So I do in fact see the recordings on my NAS. However, how do I properly delete all entries including saved files without messing too much with mysql? I notice there's a CDR Reports section but cannot see an option to delete all? Is there some interface for that or is it purely a mysql backend thing?

2) Secondly, I've added two extensions within a Ring Group and selected a third extension which is a virtual extension for a shared voice mailbox and selected it under "Destination if no answer".

One extension is a soft phone and another one a old grandstream handytone-286 connected to a vtech phone.

For both extensions I've added 10000@default to the "Mailbox" setting such that both extensions use the same mailbox.

However, when a voicemail is received I do not get voicemail notification on my vtech phone connected to the grandstream. Is there something I missing? On the soft phone however, I do in fact see a icon/notfiication that I have a voicemail.

3) Lastly, is there some way to default to the shared voicemail box when *98 is pressed from both said extensions? I notice it always asks me for a mailbox. Tried *97 as well, same...

Thank you so much for any help

Joe Lones

Feb 10, 2016
Reaction score
Concerning deleting the CDR, I see with phpmyadmin the table asteriskcdrdb/cdr, however, for all rows, I noticed the recordingfile field empty. I do have .wav files in the new Recording Location, but shouldn't the filenames be somewhere in the db?

I just want to be able to properly purge the db and filesystem of recordings. Not sure this is the best way.

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