TUTORIAL Endpoint manager ported from Trixbox posted on FreePBX site

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Lost Trunk

Aug 5, 2008
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Just saw this over on the FreePBX site. Note the FreePBX developers do not seem happy about this because apparently they have their own endpoint manager in the works (they really know how to make contributors feel SO welcome), but if you need one now this may interest you, or maybe not. Read the original message AND all the comments before you make up your mind whether to use it:


Just in case the thread should get deleted, here's what the original message says:
Modified Endpoint manager from trixbox on freepbx

Posted August 12th, 2010 by gl1176 (tadpole)


I have modified the endpoint manager from trixbox into freepbx to add:
Global IP setting for SNTP and PBX IPs
Global Web username and password for most models
Global VLAN settings and provision server type.
The ability to change feature codes from default, and update endpoint config to match.

Full button provisioning for the following phones:

Aastra - fixed all models and added Lines and Expansion Buttons

Polycom - added all models with the use of enhanced feature keys, lines and directory with BLF.

Snom - not much updated but time settings.

Cisco - added all models from 7940-7975 with programming off auto answer, speeddials, and line keys.

Cisco SPA - added most models including PAP2T, 2102-8000, 3XX, 5XX, 9XX, WIP310. Can program autodial on ATAs, and all lines, blfs, and expansion keys appropriate models.

Grandstream - added most models including 286,486,50X,20X,28X,1200,2XXX. Can program autodial on ATAs, and all lines, blfs, and expansion keys appropriate models.

The download is over 250MB because it includes phone firmwares:

I modified this module to provide improvements, and hope that this module can be ported to Freepbx.

The one main drawback of this module is that it is SLOW at the start.
I didn't build the module, and this is my first time with php/mysql.
The reason for the slowness is that the forms all get preloaded before the mod is fully functional.
Hopefully someone can pick up where I left off and improve this.

In order to add this in you must be running php5.2.
Here is how to add php5.2:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
wget http://dev.centos.org/centos/5/CentOS-Testing.repo

rpm --import http://dev.centos.org/centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-testing
yum -y --enablerepo=c5-testing install php

service httpd restart


In the same thread, user tm1000 (Developer) pointed out (among other things) that "the legality of including firmware in a package is questionable" (thought I should mention that in case that is a concern in your location) and that "End Users won't be able to install this module as PHP has an upload limit of 20 or so mb. They'd need to change their php.ini file to accept 250mb uploads."

I have NOT personally tested this and am NOT recommending anyone use it, just letting you know it's out there. Please be aware that attempting to add something like this could conceivably break your PiaF installation, so don't do it unless you have a current full system backup and know how to recover if something breaks.
Nov 2, 2007
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Lost Trunk, did not just about everyone point out that muck raking is not what this forum is about ?

I saw that post and I did not read it as anyone being unhappy, just saying " hey, we are working on one too... want to help ?"

Also, you forgot to mention the tshif & co produced end point manager that is mentioned here in the PiaF forums.

Lost Trunk

Aug 5, 2008
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Lost Trunk, did not just about everyone point out that muck raking is not what this forum is about ?

I saw that post and I did not read it as anyone being unhappy, just saying " hey, we are working on one too... want to help ?"

Also, you forgot to mention the tshif & co produced end point manager that is mentioned here in the PiaF forums.

cosmicwombat, first of all, YOU are not the moderator here, so STFU regarding my offhand comments. If such comments are that offensive then the moderator can boot me off the forum, but I don't see a "moderator" tag under your name. Maybe I'm reading too much into their response, but it just appears to me that the FreePBX folks hardly ever seem very grateful when someone tries to contribute to their project. And that's all I'm going to say about it.

As for Tony's endpoint manager, yes, I had totally forgotten that he wrote one (assuming I ever knew that he had, and maybe I did, my memory isn't perfect by any means). Wouldn't a link to that be a good thing to put in a "sticky" in this forum?
Nov 2, 2007
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Lost Trunk, thanks for pointing out that I am not a moderator.

I am still going to call you out each and every time you post your "offhand comments."

I do not need to be a moderator to do so.


PIAF Developer
Oct 18, 2007
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Sigh everyone needs to take a pill. You are all appreciated. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion right or wrong. I know some people laugh at the way I write instructions that beat various points to death however forum communication is sometimes very inexact.

Lost Trunk, Cosmic Wombat, and tm1000 You have all made valuable contributions to the PIAF forum and I suspect that everyone should apologize. This is not how things are run over here and it makes me sad also.

Therefore I apologize to all who have had their feeling hurt. I too have had issues with Digium and FreePBX development but that is the game. Thanks to everybody who contributes to our forums and makes it work. The people in this message thread are all guru level or better and should know better.

Where as Robert is not a moderator I am thus this thread is closed. I would welcome a new thread about the endpoint manager. as I would love to include it with PIAF 1755 now that 1755 works mostly. I invite all the stakeholders to start a new thread with the best recommendation as to which version to include etc. Comments gratefully accepted from all!


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