
Feb 1, 2015
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We have been looking at sip providers who will meet our needs of being able to handle a fairly large call volume (up to 30k minutes per month) at a decent price. 10 unlimited trunks would be the way to go and the one company that would be ideal would be They are recommended by nerdvittles too, so we would like to start with them.

However, there is one fatal flaw that is a deal breaker for us:
Their online user Control Panel, where you can administer your sip settings, account and payment information, etc.
In my mind there are severe security implications with the level of control you have over your credit card auto replenish settings, international call restrictions and call forwarding options.

Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate that I can set all of this myself, but so would a hacker getting access to a customer's control panel.
Once in, all that hacker would need to do, is turn auto replenish on, turn international calling on and put his international toll fraud number into the PSTN forward field. Then all of my incoming calls would go to that toll fraud destination and come next morning, my company will have their credit card charged with a few thousand dollars for calls to the middle east. does blacklist calls to certain toll fraud risky destinations, but that is not enough IMO.

Now think of how much we worry about PBX security, firewalls, fail2ban, secure sip credentials, etc. With a SIP account like this, you are just one cracked password away from the $100000 bill!
Is that a reason for concern and sleepless nights? Well, for me it would be. Why? Cause the web portal login on former sip provider of ours got once hacked with someone trying to forward calls to a destination in Israel. Luckily we had international calling turned off at the provider end! So this a realistic threat.

So, what needs to do is, keep things the way they are, but allow the customer to request, that locks down certain settings, regardless of what one may do on the Control Panel. These locked settings can only be changed if customer requests they be unlocked again.

E.g. I would request, that my international call settings be locked down, i.e. be turned off, as well as auto replenish denied, and PSTN forward only allowed to destinations in the US48 region if possible.

That would take care of my concerns.

Guys, please join the discussion, I want to hear what you have to say.

I also really want to sign up with, but they need to fix this issue first. Other providers allow for this kind of customization.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2011
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I recommend you offer this feedback to them. The team there is very responsive.


Jan 4, 2008
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Now think of how much we worry about PBX security, firewalls, fail2ban, secure sip credentials, etc. With a SIP account like this, you are just one cracked password away from the $100000 bill!

Many of the ITSPs offer these same settings in their online control panels.

I agree with you that if the password was cracked then the attacker would have full access to all of the controls in the Control Panel. But what this is actually pointing out is the insecurity in the password access authentication mechanism of the site not the controls available once authenticated. It also perfectly illustrates the flaw in the present model of username/password authentication.

The very first thing that should be done is to have a good long, random character password. That will go a LONG way in increasing the difficulty in the password being compromised. Encouraging to support 2-factor authentication would also be a prudent step.

In the end, we as users have to take all the steps we feel are necessary to try to ensure the security of all of our online services, not only our VoIP services. We need to weigh the risks we are exposing ourselves or our organizations to when we contract for services that are not directly under our control. When these risks are identified we must take the steps we feel are necessary to mitigate these risks. If we are not willing to accept the risk of an online presence then we need to take steps to eliminate that as well.

Good luck.

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