RECOMMENDATIONS Design tips for Nerdvittles blog...


Active Member
Aug 19, 2010
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1. First, kudos to the nerd vittles blog, it's got a ton of information in there, much of it very helpful for installing and configuring IP PBX.
In the interest of letting the reader/user have a better experience in terms of instantly knowing how old or new a blog post is, I recommend putting a date at both the top and the bottom of the article. Currently, there are 2 article date stamps.
One at the extreme end, just before the comments:
"Posted in Technology by ward, Monday, July 28, 2014 4:05 am"
The second date stamp located a few lines up from the end, in first of a series of boxes with boilerplate text ("Don't forget to list yourself in directory assistance"), :
"Originally published: Monday, July 28, 2014"

Move one of those date stamps to the top of the article, before the first word of content.

2. if these boxes of boilerplate text/advertising/reminders, which are currently appended to the tail of every post, could be minimized, greatly reduced in verbiage, to perhaps a single 300x300 pixel graphic ad square each, it would help concentrate the reader's attention on the unique content of the post.

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