QUESTION Provide Users CDR Access & Call Monitor Records


New Member
Jul 6, 2013
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I have searched the documentation but can not find a method to allow users to access the user panel to look at voice mail and call monitor records. It seems that PIAF provides access differently than Freepbx for enhanced security reasons. Is there a simple way to allow a user access without providing access to the entire system.

I am a simpleton so please give me step by step info.

I did find this post that is a workaround but would like to hear if this is PIAF approved the best route to take.

Thanks in advance

This is the post I found from early 2012
Since this is a FreePBX problem, I googled FreePBX recordings password admin assets and found this post:

On 7/17/2012, warmbowski has a response where they indicate that they used some code in the pbx.conf file to get around the error. I tried the suggested fix but found that it still gave everyone access to the admin side of FreePBX, which I don't want. But using this example as a springboard, I modified pbx.conf to look like the following:
#No password protect /var/www/html/admin/assets/css​
<Directory /var/www/html/admin/assets/css>​
Order Allow,Deny​
Allow from all​
Satisfy any​
#No password protect /var/www/html/admin/assets/js​
<Directory /var/www/html/admin/assets/js>​
Order Allow,Deny​
Allow from all​
Satisfy any​
#No password protect /var/www/html/admin/assets/images/jquery-ui​
<Directory /var/www/html/admin/assets/images/jquery-ui>​
Order Allow,Deny​
Allow from all​
Satisfy any​
#Password proctect /var/www/html/admin​
<Directory /var/www/html/admin>​
AuthType Basic​
AuthName "Restricted Admin Area"​
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/wwwpasswd​
Require user wwwadmin maint​
#Password protect /var/www/html/panel​
<Directory /var/www/html/panel>​
AuthType Basic​
AuthName "Restricted Area"​
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/wwwpasswd​
Require user wwwadmin maint​
#Password protect /var/www/html/maint​
<Directory /var/www/html/maint>​
AuthType Basic​
AuthName "Restricted Area"​
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/wwwpasswd​
Require user maint​
#Password protect /var/www/html/meetme​
<Directory /var/www/html/meetme>​
AuthType Basic​
AuthName "Restricted Area"​
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/wwwpasswd​
Require user wwwadmin maint meetme​
I restarted httpd and so far it seems to be working without prompting for the maint username and password.

As always, YMMV, but I hope this helps someone else along the way.
anomaly0617, Feb 26, 2014
rjaiswal likes this.


New Member
Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
I have searched the documentation but can not find a method to allow users to access the user panel to look at voice mail and call monitor records. It seems that PIAF provides access differently than Freepbx for enhanced security reasons. Is there a simple way to allow a user access without providing access to the entire system.

I am a simpleton so please give me step by step info.

I did find this post that is a workaround but would like to hear if this is PIAF approved the best route to take.

Thanks in advance

This is the post I found from early 2012
Since this is a FreePBX problem, I googled FreePBX recordings password admin assets and found this post:

On 7/17/2012, warmbowski has a response where they indicate that they used some code in the pbx.conf file to get around the error. I tried the suggested fix but found that it still gave everyone access to the admin side of FreePBX, which I don't want. But using this example as a springboard, I modified pbx.conf to look like the following:
#No password protect /var/www/html/admin/assets/css​
<Directory /var/www/html/admin/assets/css>​
Order Allow,Deny​
Allow from all​
Satisfy any​
#No password protect /var/www/html/admin/assets/js​
<Directory /var/www/html/admin/assets/js>​
Order Allow,Deny​
Allow from all​
Satisfy any​
#No password protect /var/www/html/admin/assets/images/jquery-ui​
<Directory /var/www/html/admin/assets/images/jquery-ui>​
Order Allow,Deny​
Allow from all​
Satisfy any​
#Password proctect /var/www/html/admin​
<Directory /var/www/html/admin>​
AuthType Basic​
AuthName "Restricted Admin Area"​
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/wwwpasswd​
Require user wwwadmin maint​
#Password protect /var/www/html/panel​
<Directory /var/www/html/panel>​
AuthType Basic​
AuthName "Restricted Area"​
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/wwwpasswd​
Require user wwwadmin maint​
#Password protect /var/www/html/maint​
<Directory /var/www/html/maint>​
AuthType Basic​
AuthName "Restricted Area"​
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/wwwpasswd​
Require user maint​
#Password protect /var/www/html/meetme​
<Directory /var/www/html/meetme>​
AuthType Basic​
AuthName "Restricted Area"​
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/wwwpasswd​
Require user wwwadmin maint meetme​
I restarted httpd and so far it seems to be working without prompting for the maint username and password.

As always, YMMV, but I hope this helps someone else along the way.
anomaly0617, Feb 26, 2014
rjaiswal likes this.
I am posting this in the wrong location?
Any help would be appreciated.



Sep 5, 2013
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Better late than never... to remove htaccess from the voicemail and recordings module, you also have to make additional changes from webmin:
Log in to Webmin
Servers>Apache Webserver
Click on Default Server, scroll down to "Per-Directory Options" screen
click on "Directory /var/www/html/recordings"
Click on "Access Control"
change "Authentication realm name" from "Restricted Area" to "Default"
change "Authentication type" to blank
change "Restrict access by login" to "Default".
Change "Restrict access" from "Deny then allow" to "Allow then deny"
Then below this set Action to Allow, Condition to All Requests
Click Save,
click Save. (again on 2nd screen)
You can't just do one but not the other, you have to do both :\.

For CDR reports, check out billsimon's code in the following link in which you would place a new php file in the root of the apache webserver /var/www/html/:


New Member
Jul 6, 2013
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Thanks, I am still battling this and waiting for an update to allow this, but this will work in the interim.:)

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