TIPS Incrediblepbx 11.4 32-bit?


Jul 16, 2013
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I salvage old hardware because it can be put to use instead of ending up in the landfills. My first PBX system was on an old Gateway with a 500 meghertz Celeron processor with 512 megs of ram and it answered the phones very well. I still have that box but did not have the ram chips to allow it to run CentOS 6.5; it will find use in some way later on; maybe as the system to monitor security cameras. Just because a system is old does not mean it can not be put to a useful purpose.

I have an old ASRocks motherboard with an AMD Athlon XP 2700+ processor with 1 gig of ram and just installed PIAF3 on the system; it will work quite well to answer the phones. I went to install Incrediblepbx 11 and got a message that I needed Asterisk 11. OK, it is not all that clear from searching the forums and the internet in general to what is current and what is not. I go to the incrediblepbx site and see that for CentOS I need incrediblepbx 11.4 so I go through the steps to get it and run the install only to be told that I need CentOS 64 bit. I don't see any links to a 32 bit version.

Yes, the world is moving to 64 bits but that does not mean that every 32 bit processor should be tossed in the landfill when it can be used to perform useful tasks; say like running PIAF3 to answer the telephones.

Question: is there a 32 bit version of incrediblepbx for current install of PIAF3 on a 32 bit CentOS 6.5 installation?


Feb 3, 2009
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I agree, that just because things are old, they have no value. Heck, I'm old! They may not be the best choice for a do-or-die production system where a reliable phone system is paramount, but for a home phone system that may be less critical, then why not? It is also a good learning platform to determine whether it is "good enough" for your particular needs.

As far as installing on a 32-bit platform, have a read through the "How-to" link I've pasted below, and scroll down to the section entitled " (Install PIAF-Green with FreePBX 2.11 using PIAF2 ISO ", below the image of the Atom computer. If you click on the PIAF2-ISO link, you will see that there is a choice between both 32 and 64 bit versions. Back out of that link, and then read the tutorial from the top, just to confirm I've taken you down the right path.

Hopefully, this will get you back on track, and breathe new life into your "old" hardware!

Read: "How-to" here:


Jul 16, 2013
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I am probably confused about what I should be doing. I thought I read that PIAF2 was deprecated and no longer in development. Therefore, I installed PIAF3 with the black, Asterisk 12 and FreePBX 2.12. When I went to install IncrediblePBX using wget, it tells me that I need Asterisk 11. So I ventured over to the IncrediblePBX website and I see that for CentOS 6 I should get... Wait, I just revisited the IncrediblePBX site to get the download name and from reading again, I get the impression that the download at is not an add-on to what I have set up now but a complete PIAF plus IncredibPBX install and that it requires a 64 bit OS.

Let's return to the original IncrediblePBX download that told me I needed Asterisk 11; incrediblepbx11.gz. Is there a version for my PIAF3 Black install?


Jul 16, 2013
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Nothing available yet for FreePBX 12. Sorry.

Thanks for the info. OK, so I redo the installation. I may wipe everything and start fresh because I wanted to install things from a thumb drive for learning purposes; had issues the first time although I did get the system to boot to the thumb drive.

What do I want to choose when I set up PIAF to be able to use IncrediblePBX?


Nerd Uno
Oct 12, 2007
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Thanks for the info. OK, so I redo the installation. I may wipe everything and start fresh because I wanted to install things from a thumb drive for learning purposes; had issues the first time although I did get the system to boot to the thumb drive.

What do I want to choose when I set up PIAF to be able to use IncrediblePBX?

Just follow one of the Incredible PBX tutorials for CentOS 6.5 (v.7 not recommended) or Ubuntu 14.


New Member
Jun 5, 2016
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I see a fair amount of time has passed since the last post.

I just installed CentOS 6.8 using the 32bit version.

The IncrediblePBX version my link downloads is for a 64bit version.

Is there a 32bit version of IncrediblePBX 11 available?

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