FOOD FOR THOUGHT CentOS Installation Problems


Nov 14, 2013
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Hello again.
Sliding into this slowly, barely have my toe in the water and now it's time to load the software.

I'm starting with a Proliant with a large disc array and a brand new Centos so I thought that my best bet was the "install-piaf-on-existing-Centos-v1.04"

First off -- I've never before seen a Linux installation script run that long and execute that much without catastrophic errors... so kudos to someone.

My problem (at least the ones that aren't psychological) is that I wouldn't know the difference between an expected error and an unexpected one. Scrolling back on the first part of the installation ... is it OK that php-pear-DB.noarch and piafdl.noarch are unavailable packages?

anyway ... the address for the 64 bit ISO on sourceforge isn't correct.

Just thought I'd mention that. I searched the net, found the same package at another address in sourceforge ... hacked the script and restarted .... so far, so good.


May 28, 2011
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It would be better if you actually mentioned the link when saying it's broken.
I'm downloading the latest 64 bit version right now, it's fine.

I also think you're going down a hole instead of coming up :)
You should not start with a vanilla centos when installing PIAF, you should be installing the ISO directly, it IS centos.

Then when you have an error, we all have the same one.
I hope this helps.


Nov 14, 2013
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Yes -- I wasn't able to log into the forum from the same system at that time.
The reason I wanted to use my existing Centos was simply all the special HP management software that had already been loaded. Now that I have all the access I need - here are more details:

This is what was broken: PIAFLOC64=

This is what seemed to work: PIAFLOC64=

But then I ran into the errors detailed below.

Setting up Local Package Process
Examining flite-1.3-8.fc7.x86_64.rpm: flite-1.3-8.fc7.x86_64
flite-1.3-8.fc7.x86_64.rpm: does not update installed package.
Examining flite-devel-1.3-8.fc7.x86_64.rpm: flite-devel-1.3-8.fc7.x86_64
flite-devel-1.3-8.fc7.x86_64.rpm: does not update installed package.
error: not an rpm package
Cannot open: jack-audio-connection-kit-0.101.1-12.fc5.x86_64.rpm. Skipping.
error: not an rpm package
Cannot open: nas-1.9.1-2.el5.x86_64.rpm. Skipping.
error: not an rpm package
Cannot open: nash- Skipping.
error: not an rpm package
Cannot open: piafdl-1.0-1.noarch.rpm. Skipping.
error: not an rpm package
Cannot open: piafxtras-1.0-1.noarch.rpm. Skipping.
error: not an rpm package
Cannot open: pulseaudio-libs-0.9.10-1.el5.3.x86_64.rpm. Skipping.
error: not an rpm package
Cannot open: webmin-1.510-1.noarch.rpm. Skipping.
Nothing to do
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base:
* extras:
* updates:
Setting up Update Process
No Packages marked for Update
cp: cannot stat `/usr/src/piafxtras/preinstallmenu/piafxtras-menu': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/sbin/piafxtras-menu': No such file or directory
cat: /usr/src/piafxtras/preinstallmenu/motd.tmp: No such file or directory


Nov 14, 2013
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Thanks ... but as I said - that's what was in the script that was on the site.
Ah... such are the fortunes of Open Source...

I'll make an iso and do a fresh install and see what adventures that yeilds


Oct 26, 2008
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Thanks ... but as I said - that's what was in the script that was on the site.
Ah... such are the fortunes of Open Source...

I'll make an iso and do a fresh install and see what adventures that yeilds
Yep, the script is old too. IIRC it was written by jroper in the PIAF 1.7.x days. Don't think it's been rewritten since. Please let us know how your fresh install goes.


Nov 14, 2013
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Well, as expected, the PIAF distro installed just fine... but that said it didn't seem to enable ftp, t*f*t*p, ssh, telnet or the gui interface that I was counting on to install the HP Array Utilities and backup program, etc. I can open a web browser and access the PIAF control panel ... but I can't VNC or SSH into the machine -- it doesn't even respond to pings.

This isn't a complaint ... a functional PBX is the most important thing ... but I really WAS hoping to get through the rest of my life without having to learn yet another set of CLI commands.


Nov 14, 2013
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yep - those did the trick. Now, I can install the graphical desktop... hoping that I don't in the process, mess up the PIAF


Apr 7, 2011
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I wouldn't leave them turned off for an extended period of time if this box is not protected by a firewall.


Nov 14, 2013
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Yeah - we're behind some pretty heavy-duty Cisco security appliances, so I'm not worried about that.

My problem is a re-deployment. We have some pretty standardized tools for re-deployment of a server in the case of a catastrophic failure. We go so far as to have an entire hot-spare server online where all we'd have to do is restore a backup of data. This would be even easier for a PBX system, which would be backed up only after configuration changes or software updates.

But because of the nature of the Proliant servers, HP software, updates, etc. it would just be ... easier ... if I could walk up to running server that was updated, configured, completely secure and PCI-Compliant, etc. and simply load the application that turns that server into a PBX appliance. Some of the security hoops we have to jump through for security compliance are basically psychotic and often time consuming.

It's great that PIAF uses the most current Centos rather than their own flavor, so at least I can create a post-boot CD that scripts the additions and mods ... like I said ... it would just have been a bit easier if it was a separate application like the script I'd been trying.

ALL THAT said ... it will be totally awesome if THAT problem becomes the worst problem I have to deal with!!
Thanks everyone!


May 28, 2011
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But because of the nature of the Proliant servers, HP software, updates, etc. it would just be ... easier ... if I could walk up to running server that was updated, configured, completely secure and PCI-Compliant, etc. and simply load the application that turns that server into a PBX appliance. Some of the security hoops we have to jump through for security compliance are basically psychotic and often time consuming.

There is a problem in your plan. PIAF is not a normal centos that can be updated and be made "up to date".
The repos are OFF and for a good reason. A PBX is not public webserver.
Short version: If you install PIAF thinking you will be able to keep it up to date and compliant you're making a mistake.
Your PIAF centos is forked from centos from inception. Sometimes a lot, sometimes a little.
If you turn the repos ON, to keep it up to date with centos, you'll break it eventually or immediately.

PIAF is designed NOT to be exposed and to remain the same for years and years unless you have a problem that was there on day one or need a new feature, in which case you won't update you will reinstall from scratch.

Maybe what you want is a vanilla centos and then you install asterisk and freepbx, but then again you could break it by keeping it up two date. It's like an appliance, or else you need a preprod/prod dual environment to stage the updates and make sure they don't break anything. Even the freepbx distro is build to point to it's own repos and not the centos repos.
Because they do this work of preprod/prod for their distro, to funnel the centos updates through their testing with freepbx and their modules.

As long as you're aware of that, and don't expose services to the public thinking they're up to date with the centos repos, there is no problem.


Nerd Uno
Oct 12, 2007
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The most expensive lesson you learn if you ever set up a salt water aquarium is that you really needed two, not one. Every time you put a new fish in the big tank without first making sure it's healthy you run the risk of killing everything in the tank. Same goes for PIAF with CentOS updates. Sooner or later, it will bite you in the butt.


Nov 14, 2013
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For the record, I completely understand that. I see PIAF/Asterisk as an appliance - and as a general rule I don't accept updates on anything until I see what the update is, how it applies to me and consider what could possibly go wrong. Given the last stable Microsoft Product was MSDos 6.11 I say - if it's working for you, leave it alone

I was assuming, possibly incorrectly, that if PIAF/Asterisk were installed OVER a fully functional Centos that it would take over that Centos ... but leave me the tools that I like to have available.

Here's my issue: for some reason, I ALWAYS end up being the guy who is 2,500 miles from site one evening when the only human being I can get into the computer room is that ONE PERSON in the office who has the brightness of a small appliance bulb... and I have to talk them through something that is hideously complex to do in a CLI. So having Gnome and The NetworkManager and other GUI tools wasn't in order to make the system into anything general purpose but rather to give me easier tools to handle the unforseen.


May 28, 2011
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I don't think we said you can't install whatever you want. I ticked on the updated, completely secure PCI-compliant, HP updates...etc.

It's almost like a vanilla centos, if you know how, everything you can do or update on a centos can be done or installed on PIAF/FPBX disro. If it works, it works, then freeze it.

And of course between you and me, if your DR/continuity plan for the phone system count on the problem being fixable in CLI by giving instruction to a light bulb... It's lacking. With the proper plan and documentation if something fails while you're away, the system should failover or be easily failedover by a light bulb with your doc in hand. I think you know that, so I'm insure why you would even go down the route of debugging the system over the phone. Just tell them to kick-in the phone system DR/continuity plan and fail it over if that's not automatic via your own implementation or a commercial one like the HA module phoneguy mentionned. You want an easy to use or automatic fail over plan so even if you're out of range, they only have to do what is tested at least once a year... start the failover process you wrote.


PIAF Developer
Oct 18, 2007
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One of the reason we DO NOT SUPPORT vanilla installs is the propensity for the centos/redhat guys to make changes which BREAKS your PBX. We do use some of the centos repos currently however in the very near future we will be switching to our repos ONLY to prevent breakage. At that point PIAF becomes INCOMPATIBLE with the Centos repos. Currently we have disabled automatic centos upgrades between versions (for example 6.4 to 6.5). Hey it is your system and you can do what you want with it! All of the install piaf on vanilla centos scripts DO NOT COME from the core PIAF developers and thus aren't supported at all. We applaud everyone who wants to beat themselves with their own stick in the head.... endless entertainment value..... But seriously we do things in a particular was not because we are control freaks rather because we have learned over the years what not to do. We have several gurus out there who do things there own way and yes all sorts of arcane things DO work. We build the PIAF family of projects for the "average" user and NOT gurus.

So just to recap PIAF's policy

1. Officially PIAF on Vanilla Cenos (or any other linux) is not supported. The only exception is raspberry pi which is Ward's baby
2. We never ever recommend you run yum update UNLESS there is a verified and reproducible security threat that has been announced in our forums.
3. We dont recommend to EVER update asterisk between increments (for example 1.8.19 > 1.8.20) USUALLY it is innocuous BUT many times things come apart because the new version of asterisk needs an updated library etc which is not present in the current build.
4. Switching between family versions of asterisk (for example 1.8 to 11) is NOT supported at all. It has worked for some and others it blows up real good.
5. Officially you are free to do what you want! We are free not to support it.

Beyond that I have numerous exotic versions of PIAF running in the lab on all sorts of flavors of linux and hardware platforms... will we ever release them? Doubtful however you just never know what experiment will lead to a new version or product.

All of what we have been trying to tell you is to learn from our mistakes.

Good luck with your endeavors


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